活動報告・予告/Annual Reports/二又研究室2016 の履歴(No.1)

活動報告・予告/Annual Reports 論文発表 1. Masayuki Futamata*, Maho Ishikura, Chiaki Iida, Saori Handa, "Critical Importance of Gap Modes in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering", Faraday Discussions 178, 203-220, 2015 (Invited). 2. Masayuki Futamata et al.,"Surface plasmon enhanced spectroscopies and time and space resolved methods: general discussions", Faraday Discussions 178 , 253-279, 2015. 3. 石倉 真保, 鈴木 悠宜, 二又 政之, "ギャップモードラマン分光の種々の基板への適用", 表面科学, 36, 363-368 (2015) (第34回表面科学会学術講演会注目講演). 4. Tomomi Mukaiyama, Toru Yajima, Masayuki Futamata, "Distinct adsorbed states of DNA and RNA bases investigated by flocculation-assisted surface enhanced Raman scattering", Electronic Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (e-JSSNT)13, 223-230, 2015. 5. Keitaro Akai, Chiaki Iida, Masayuki Futamata, "Gap mode Raman spectroscopy under attenuated total reflection geometry", Special Issue on SERS, J. Optics, 17, 11408 (2015, Invited). 6. Junichi Murakami, Masayuki Futamata, Yukimichi Nakao, Shin Horiuchi, Kyoko Bando, Umpei Nagashima, Kazuki Yoshimura, "Reduction of N2 with H2 on palladium surfaces at low temperatures", Chem. Phys. Lett. 618 (2015) 1-5. 7. C. Iida, K. Akai, J. Murakami, M. Futamata, "Gap mode induced laser trapping of silver nanoparticles on thiophenol-covered silver substrates", Chemical Physics Letters, in press 2017, DOI: http://dx/doi/org/10.1016/j.cplett.2016.05.009. 8. K. Akai, C. Iida, M. Futamata, “Plasmon induced phtocatalytic reaction of thiol molecules”, submitted. 学会発表 1. 渡邉 芙美枝, 阿部 理佐, 中里 真実, 二又政之, "表面増強赤外分光法を用いた金電極表面のカチオン及び水分子の挙動", 第75回分析化学討論会, 2015.05.24-05.25. (山梨大学) 2. 赤井啓太郎, 飯田千晶, 二又政之, "全反射型ギャップモードラマン分光法", 第75回分析化学討論会, 2015.05.24-05.25. (山梨大学). 3. 渡邉 芙美枝, 阿部 理佐, 中里 真実, 二又政之, "全反射表面増強赤外吸収分光による金電極表面へのカチオンの吸着挙動", 第35回表面科学学術講演会, 2015.12.01-03.つくば国際会議場. 4. 赤井啓太郎, 飯田千晶, 二又政之, "全反射型ギャップモードラマン分光法", 第35回表面科学学術講演会, 2015.12.01-03. つくば国際会議場. 5. 吉川英,二又政之, "高感度振動分光のための銀蒸着膜のカーボン系不純物の化学的置換", 第35回表面科学学術講演会, 2015.12.01-03. つくば国際会議場. 6. 飯田千晶, 赤井啓太郎, 石倉真保, 二又政之, "ギャップモードラマン分光の展開", 第13回プラズモニクスシンポジウム, 2016.01.22-23. 愛媛大学. 7. F. Watanabe, M. Futamata, "Adsorption of cations on gold electrode surface investigated by ATR-SEIRA spectroscopy", PACIFICHEM-2015, 2015.12.14-12.20. Honolulu convention center (Hawaii, U.S.A.). 8. (Invited) M. Futamata, M. Ishikura, C. Iida, K. Akai, "Critical importance of gap modes in surface enhanced Raman scattering", PACIFICHEM-2015, 2015.12.14-12.20. Honolulu convention center (Hawaii, U.S.A.). 9. M. Futamata, "Detection of counter ions using thiol molecules adsorbed on silver nanoparticles", PACIFICHEM-2015, 2015.12.14-12.20. Honolulu convention center (Hawaii, U.S.A.). 10. M. Futamata, M. Ishikura, C. Iida, K. Akai, "Gap mode Raman spectroscopy to elucidate adspecies on various substrates", IACIS2015, 2015.05.24-05.29, Mainz Convention center (Germany). 11. S. Handa, M. Futamata, "Elucidation of adsorbed species on silver nanoparticles using flocculation-surface enhanced Raman scattering method", IACIS2015, 2015.05.24-05.29, Mainz Convention center (Germany).