活動報告・予告/Annual Reports/高柳研究室2014 の履歴ソース(No.11)

*研究室教員 [#p5dc9aa5]
-教授 高柳 敏幸[[(研究室Webページ):http://www.chem.saitama-u.ac.jp/takayanagi-lab/index.html]]
-Researcher ID: [[F-1020-2012:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-1020-2012]]

*発表論文 [#pb8f653f]
+"Construction of global ab initio potential energy surface for the HNS system and quantum dynamics calculations for the S(&super{3};'''P''') + NH(X&super{3};Σ) -> NS(X&super{2};Π) + H(&super{2};'''S''') and N(&super{4};'''S''') + SH(X&super{2};Π) -> NS(X&super{2};Π) + H(&super{2};'''S''') reactions," K. Sato, T. Takayanagi, '''Chem. Phys.''',  ''439'', 63-70 (2014).
+"Quantum localization/delocalization of muonium in the glycine-K&super{+}; complex," T.Yoshikawa, T.Honda, T. Takayanagi, '''Chem. Phys.''',  ''440'', 135-141 (2014).
+"Application of long-range corrected density-functional theory to excess electron attachment to biomolecules," Y.Yokoi, K.Kano, Y.Minoshima, T. Takayanagi, '''Comp. Theo. Chem.''',  ''1046'', 99-106 (2014).
+"Mode Selective Dynamics and Kinetics of the H&subsc{2}; + F&subsc{2}; -> H + HF + F Reaction," A.Matsugi, T. Takayanagi, '''Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.''',  in press

*学会発表 [#k73e79cf]
-第30回化学反応討論会(姫路, 2014/06/04-06).
--"Quantum localization of muonium in the glycine-K&super{+}; complex", (Saitama University) YOSHIKAWA, Takehiro; %%%HONDA, Tomohiro%%%; TAKAYANAGI, Toshiyuki, [Oral presentation]

*外部資金獲得状況 [#h8837a72]
+2012~14年度 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者:高柳敏幸 低エネルギー電子による生体損傷機構の分子論的理解の深化 1,000千円 (2014年度)